Stopping time with Moodblanc


Picture Simon LeBon and Sade slowly dancing to a song by Aaliyah in a hotel bar in St Tropez.  This is how the strapping Swedish indie feel good duo Moodblanc describes their music. The duo compromises of Magnus and Kenneth, fate brought the two together through the medium of SoundCloud. Last year Kenneth made the first move on Magnus by asking him if he could remix one of his tracks and the rest is history. Their first track was “On the radio,” which is a refreshing and feel good dancing track destined to get you in the mood, and on your feet.  

We chat to Moodblanc about how Magnus stopped time with a sales assistant, how Kenneth made a song for his wife with his kids as featured rappers, their new year’s resolutions, and how they plan on showcasing their musical love affair online. Margaret Tra writes.

Some of your music is based on romance.  What would be the most romantic thing you've done?

Magnus: Maybe this question should have been presented to those who have been objects of my desire? Nevertheless I like to think with my heart and when I act on that think I might be perceived as a romantic person. For some reason I fall easily for women working as clerks in stores. Once I bought a vintage alarm clock as a gift for my daughter. The clerk in the store was beautiful in every way. When I got home the clock stopped which gave me a reason to see ‘her’ again. I went back to the store with butterflies inside and got a nice, nervous chat and a new clock. A couple of weeks went by and the clock stopped once more. I went back to the store, we both laughed and eventually we agreed on a last try. Needless to say this vintage clock also stopped, so I got my money back and she got my heart. I decided to write to her and so I did. I told her that there must be something special between us since time stops whenever we meet…  

Kenneth: This year my kids and I recorded a song for my wife. The lyrics are basically about how cool and beautiful she is, and my kids had their world premiere as rappers. I must admit though that I am not as romantic as I would like to be. 

How's the music scene treating you lads in Sweden? 

We remain pretty unseen by the scene here in Sweden. For some reason we have our fan base in other countries than our own."On the radio" has only been played once in public radio, but we will continue searching for love in Sweden. Quoting Barry White: "We are never, never gonna give you up." We have gained some unexpected love from another scene. A Swedish wine company called Hallbus liked the mood we are creating and want to add some Champagne flavour to it. 

How did you two get together to form Moodblanc?

We hooked up for the first time in July, 2013. Before the actual meeting took place we had been admiring each other’s work on Sound Cloud. Kenneth was the brave one and he took the first step by asking if he could remix one of Magnus's songs. The remix made us both realize that we should write songs together. We soon found out that we loved the same kind of music and decided to write from the heart. The first song we made was “On the radio.” Our feelings combined with escapism and influences. As if Simon LeBon and Sade were slow dancing to a song by Aaliyah in a hotel bar in St Tropez.

You guys are a feel good musical duo, what's planned music wise for you guys? 

First of all, thank you for describing us as a feel good duo. That makes us feel good. Music wise we have a new single coming out in a couple of weeks called “Faith.” The song will be released together with Chapter 4 in our short story. As you may or may not know we have a love affair going on which is on our website. We will continue to release new songs and new chapters every other month to deserve the attention from our listeners. This year we wouldn't mind trading some of the everyday gray for a small tour anywhere. It would be great to play at the Hotel Ermitage in St. Tropez. 

Do you guys have any new year's resolutions?

Magnus: To dare more 
Kenneth: To be better at living in the moment

What stimulates your soul?

Magnus: My daughter, love, friends, writing songs with Kenneth and finding out through Sound Cloud that someone in Guam likes to listen to our songs.

Kenneth: My family, friends, work and writing new songs with Magnus.

Loved Moodblanc? Here more from them on the following links: