James Gardin Releases 'Funky Funky Fresh' Feat. Ozay Moore


Following their epic link up on ‘Where You At?,’ James Gardin and Ozay Moore reconnect and provide us with a soothing yet stirring banger to close out the first month of the new year dubbed ‘Funky Funky Fresh’.

The two rhyme sayers trade unconventional styles with stanzas that are purposefully palatable yet have an unsuspecting thread of confidence running through them.

The assortment of poignant and philosophical gems peppered across its soundscape include lamentations on the afterlife, the preservation of cultural art forms and much more. Oh, this will all be going down while making your head bop and body sway back and forth. 

Like this song? Click Repost, Favorite + Comment to show love. Available at all download & streaming outlets: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Funky-Fresh-James-Gardin/dp/B07MTTBWJY/ Apple Music: https://apple.co/2B4samG Bandcamp: https://illect.bandcamp.com/album/funky-funky-fresh Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/James_Gardin_Funky_Funky_Fresh?id=Bh6dfj7icd3rtntpkgb6gvnnl7a iTunes: https://apple.co/2B4s66q Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/7cSK8KtH3GiKyy0bl3LQ3b YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JgnSv492oE Connect with us: illect.com fb.com/illect instagram.com/illect https://open.spotify.com/user/illectrecordings twitter.com/illect youtube.com/illectrecordings ILLECT Recordings music & info: https://illect.com https://illect.bandcamp.com