James Gardin celebrates family on "Momma's Stove"

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James Gardin and producer Ess Be collaborate to spread some Christmas cheer with "Momma's Stove".

Gardin says, "A lot of us focus on gifts that are under the Christmas tree, but for me the best gift is breaking bread with loved ones and just being in their presence.

"This holiday season, try to appreciate the people you have at the table with you and show them love, because that gift is truly priceless," he said.

Like this song? Click Repost, Favorite + Comment to show love. Available at all download & streaming outlets. Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mommas-Stove-James-Gardin/dp/B0786QLG1Z/ Apple Music: http://apple.co/2BsO6JF Bandcamp: https://illect.bandcamp.com/album/mommas-stove Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=B44nzu3ysnvphcamuwjrseo6hhu&tid=song-Tb5xwenpmjlkwanxr5dm4cbsxce iTunes: http://apple.co/2jZg6ux Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7xV6hXJhcCzuRKf5IE31lo Connect with us: fb.com/illect instagram.com/illect periscope.tv/illect https://open.spotify.com/user/illectrecordings twitter.com/illect youtube.com/illectrecordings ILLECT Recordings music & info: http://illect.com http://illectdirect.com http://illect.bandcamp.com