Archetype Drops Stunning Album “Some Distant Memory”
Hailing from the vibrant musical landscape of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, “Some Distant Memory” by Archetype and is an intriguing and unique musical endeavor that seamlessly blends the boundaries between reality and imagination. Created as a solo music project by the talented artist Nors, this venture has found its home within the realm of Nors Updates, a captivating video channel that showcases both the music and visual elements of the project.
“Some Distant Memory” is thrilled to present "Archetype," a dynamic multi-track album that marks a significant step forward in their musical journey. Following the definitive lo-def third album, "Infinitum," "Archetype" emerges as its hi-def counterpart, setting the stage for the subsequent releases, "Reflections" and "Just A Story."
In the wake of the re-release of "Archetype," “Some Distant Memory” is excited to unveil the single "Persecution Complex," a creation that emerged in the interlude between the two albums. Furthermore, the band is re-releasing "Probe," an album characterized by its Venetian Masquerade vibes and other captivating lo-fi/semi-chiptune electronic post-punk compositions.
Stay tuned for the much-anticipated video for "Just A Story," adding a visual dimension to the musical narrative.Now, you can immerse yourself in the sonic tapestry of "Archetype," available on various platforms for your listening pleasure: